Thursday, November 11, 2010

Little Corner of the World

I have so much to say these days, and really not a lot of time to process it all. We've been busy! I just need to own it because that's where we are. Mike and I both are working two jobs each, which has made for little time to see each other and for our social lives. {On a side note, I really hate it when I say I'm too busy. Busy doesn't always = productivity.}

Here's a little of what's been happening in our little corner of the world:
  • My good friend {and former roommate} Shelby got married and I was a bridesmaid! The wedding was absolutely beautiful. She was beautiful and calm.
  • We went to the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta...and stayed with our friend's Laura Sue and Adam. Thanks, friends, for putting us up!
  • We carved pumpkins with our InterVarsity students.
  • Work has been really, really busy and really challenging lately. I've had to step up my leadership and initiative. It's been good...but still hard {Maybe more on this later}.
  • Trader Joe's opened in Athens-town!
  • We went to L.A. to visit M's sister and brother-in-law...and to meet our brand new, sweet niece.
  • We went with some of our IV students to "The 40." The 40 is InterVarsity's Fall Conference for all the IV chapters in the state of Georgia. It was a super fun and encouraging time with them.
  • And, I squeezed in a visit to see by BFF for a night. She lives right next to the 400 Outlets, and it was tough not to go shopping. We had a great time hanging out, and it was SO GOOD to see her and her family.
  • We paid off our ministry deficit - $29,000 in 10 months! {Definitely more on this soon...prepare yourselves, it will be a lot of rambling}.
As I look at this list, I am so thankful to the Lord. He's been constant and good to us - even when I couldn't see it for myself. I am excited to say I will be posting more in the days to come!


  1. want more on the deficit pay off! that is amazing!

  2. So Awesome that the deficit is gone!! Glad you are writing again Leanne!


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